It's the No. 1 complaint that realty agents make about the home mortgage lending process. And it bugs their home buyer clients as well: the failure of settlement or escrow officials to provide a copy of the final settlement sheet in advance of closing.
I scan many news sources to provide recent articles of importance on issues pertaining to the Fresno real estate market, as well as occaisionally exchanging my own Realtor views and advice to homeowners and buyers of residential and investment properties. I encourage you to read the articles and post comments and opinions on the issues before our industry in these modern times.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Be careful when using allowances in a home-building contract
The allowance you got when you were a kid is nothing like an allowance in a construction contract.
City cracks down on signs
Thumbs up to the city of Visalia for finally deciding to do something about all the illegally placed signs around town.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Monday, April 10, 2006
Seller's absent boyfriend still on property title DEAR BOB: I am a real estate broker with an opportunity to obtain a listing on a beautiful house.
Foung Vang fans a sheaf of papers with pictures of his vision — a new market in the heart of Fresno where shoppers can buy live chickens and, upon request, have them killed and dressed to order.
After several rain-free days, residents of low-lying mobile home parks along the San Joaquin River near Highway 41 cast wary eyes on the sky Sunday.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
An article in the Los Angeles Times yesterday documented the sad story of a defaulted homeowner who became a victim of alleged foreclosure fraud. The homeowner said he was tricked into signing over the title of his home by a scam artist who did nothing to stop the foreclosure and then took out another loan against the property with no intention of paying it off. The article goes on to make the case that this type of foreclosure fraud is increasing along with rising foreclosures....(read more)
Sunday, April 02, 2006
For out-of-town investors, the Fresno commercial real estate market is hot.