Falling prices, sluggish sales and risky loans that let borrowers pile up debt faster than they can pay it off could put more homeowners out of their houses this year than at any other time this decade. Yet many homeowners — particularly in California, Florida and Colorado — are still purchasing or refinancing their mortgages with “exotic” loans that may keep their monthly payments low now, but when these gimmicky loans “reset” upward borrowers could lose their homes if they haven’t planned for...(read more)
I scan many news sources to provide recent articles of importance on issues pertaining to the Fresno real estate market, as well as occaisionally exchanging my own Realtor views and advice to homeowners and buyers of residential and investment properties. I encourage you to read the articles and post comments and opinions on the issues before our industry in these modern times.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Real estate website Zillow.com became an instant hit by telling homeowners - and their nosy neighbors - how much their houses might be worth.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Big windows; little ones. Tall, rectangular windows; small, round windows. High windows; low ones. No matter what shape or size, windows often are a welcome sight as they bring in sunlight.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Significant Others Need To Think About Their Legal Status When Buying A Home
A young relative called over the long weekend. He had just made an offer on a house and wanted advice about inspections and other details. We had been in e-mail touch for several weeks as he worked through his mortgage pre-approval, structured the offer and generally obsessed over a very important decision. But I had never thought to ask a critical question of my own: "Are you and your girlfriend - buying this house together?"
They would, he responded, both be on the deed, but only he would sign the note...
Read More NowValley Lawmakers Pitch Plan to Improve Air Quality
Officials from the San Joaquin Valley have a clever plan for solving the region's tenacious air problems. Whether it succeeds in securing more money is another question. Federal lawmakers are not on board, and environmentalists are raising questions. But no one argues about the valley's air problem. The region's air and economy are among the nation's worst. Health costs related to air quality are ...
Pending Home Sales Indicate Market Stabilization
‘Steady pace' can be expected for next two months, says Lereah
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Special to the Review-Journal I have read several articles recently about the current state of the Las Vegas real estate market. I now know why the public is totally confused. After 18 years selling real estate both here and in Los Angeles, I have seen all the elements that affect a market. But never have I seen the problems facing us presently all coming together at the same time. It's like a ...
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Housing prices are expected to drop 2 percent in California, but the market should be slightly better in pockets of the Bay Area where the housing supply is tighter, according to the state Association of ...
Realtor John Izzo stands Thursday by a home that is under foreclosure. He says stiff competition, bureaucratic rigmarole and necessary renovations can make foreclosure purchases difficult.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Disabled Fresno residents can get up to $10,000 to install a ramp, a grab bar or other equipment to help them stay in their homes instead of a nursing facility, city officials announced Monday.
The PGA is starting to look at alternative sites for a pro golf tournament scheduled next year in Fresno. Construction is behind schedule at the Running Horse golf course in Southwest Fresno. Now, talk of a possible sale is only adding to the anxiety for people with unfinished homes in a development nearby.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Putting your home on the market often means cleaning, painting and planting flowers to make the house as attractive as possible. But homes for sale also need to be de-personalized, so that buyers can picture themselves living there.
Sellers can learn something from the not-so-typical story of Gillian Tucker and her husband, who recently bought a home in San Carlos whose listing price was out of their price range.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Seller Taking Buyer To Small Claims Court!
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Some Sellers Just Not "Getting It" In This Market
Home builders in the central San Joaquin Valley are planning condominiums as a way to reach first-time home buyers and to attract families looking for a more carefree or urban lifestyle.
Monday, September 25, 2006
30-year mortgage rates drop to lowest level since March
Rates on 30-year mortgages fell this week to the lowest level in six months, offering support to the sagging home market. Mortgage giant Freddie Mac said Thursday that 30-year, fixed-rate mortgages dipped to 6.40 percent this week, down from 6.43 percent last week.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Real Estate: Sellers willing to negotiate
During the go-go days, home sellers put their houses up for sale and sat back as would-be buyers jacked the price up with every bid.
Real Estate: Some 'flippers' stick it out
Friday, September 15, 2006
Buyer Backs Out After All Contingencies Removed!!!!

Tradgedy struck again on 9/11, when my seller received the bombshell news from me. I had to call my seller to tell him that the buyer for his home was backing out of the purchase contract, 2 days prior to closing. I represent the seller and another agent represents the buyer. The buyer had removed all contingencies, the loan was approved, property inspected, requested repairs completed. This buyer was an idiot and a flake all along. The escrow started with him bouncing the $4000 deposit check, then after another attempt it was cashed in escrow. Then after 12 days, I hadn't rec'd a pre-approval letter, so I issued a "notice to preform" and was quickly given a pre-approval letter from a lender the agent had just contacted. A week later the buyer changes lenders to Wells Fargo. I was starting to have a bad feeling about this escrow. Just about that time a call from another agent, who was monitoring the escrow and had a backup buyer. We extended the time frames and escrow 1 week to give the new lender time to finish the loan. Then on Sept. 1st I requested that "all contingencies be removed" by the buyer, which was signed by the buyer because everything was done and we were ready to close. We were scheduled to close 9/14 and on 9/13 I receive paperwork from the buyer stating he is cancelling because "the property does not meet his requirements". 1 day before the close!!!!! Can you beleive it?? The buyer even has the audacity to request the return of his $4000 earnest money deposit. To make matters worse, the backup buyer couldn't wait any longer and ended up buying another property. The seller of course has damages and is demanding the entire deposit be released to the seller as "liquidated damages". The liquidated damages clause was initialed by both parties in the contract. Now my seller is going to take the buyer to small claims court and rightfully so! Now I am have to re-list this home on the market. The home is in Clovis at 2648 Hampton Way, a 5BR 3 Bath Centex home built in 2002 with 3163 Sq ft of living space. Current listing price is $489,500
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Scott Kruse gives one of the most unusual housewarming gifts around.
Friday, August 25, 2006
3435 Mayfair Dr N. $199,900 IMMACULATE!!!
New on market and clean as a whistle! This 2/1 home should sell because the condition is so well maintained by the seller. Pride of ownership is an understatement. Click on this link to view information from the Fresno MLS system.
Fresno Is A Buyers Market!
Construction of new homes continued its tumble in July, dropping to the lowest rate in almost two years, the Commerce Department said Wednesday.
Existing home sales in Fresno County continued their downward slide in July, tumbling 6% from June and 33.5% from a year previously, the California Association of Realtors reported Thursday.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Copper River Ranch is debuting when home sales are slumping, but its developers hope the community's location and attributes will carry them through this rough period.
Most indicate they are in no hurry
Monday, August 14, 2006
People stop Roger Hazard on the street dozens of times a week to thank him for his home-decorating advice.
Last summer, about all it took to sell a home was to post a sign in the yard. The real estate market was hot, and most homes sold within a few weeks.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Metro: More owners of homes squeezed
Hundreds more homeowners in the central San Joaquin Valley are in danger of losing their homes to foreclosure this year because their houses are not gaining value fast enough, a real estate tracking company says.
FUSD's financial outlook is positive
On Wednesday, F.U.S.D. superintendent Michael Hanson addressed a group of 500 principals, administrators and employees in downtown Fresno.
New Idea For Public Utilities' Budget Problems
A Fresno commission is trying to come up with different ideas to try and fix the budget problems within the public utilities department. But one idea could have many concerned.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
After 10 years of stagnant rents and almost no new apartment construction, followed by five years of rapidly rising rents and a boom in new apartment projects, Fresno's rental market this year appears to have reached a new balance in supply and demand.
Monday, July 31, 2006
NAR Announces the Return of the Buyers Market
Home buyers have waited for years but perhaps the agony is over. It is official; the National Association of Realtors has confirmed that we are now in a buyers' market.
According to the NAR June report on existing home sales issued last week there is now a 6.8 month supply of existing homes on the market. One year ago the supply was 4.4 months. The joint report of the Department of Commerce and the Department of Housing and Urban Development on new home sales contained...
Read More NowSunday, July 30, 2006
Architect David Brown likens Old Fig Garden to St. Francis Wood in San Francisco or Claremont Hills in Oakland, both unique neighborhoods with a style that is universally popular.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Valley Seeing Realty Market Cooldown
The valley's housing market is hitting a serious cooldown, with sales of new homes falling dramatically and people backing out of purchasing new homes.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
More mortgage pain coming after rate hike
Get ready for mortgage rates of 7 percent -- or higher -- after The Federal Reserve increased the federal funds rate again Thursday.
Real Estate: Local home market grows up
It's no Beverly Hills, but the number of million-dollar homes in Fresno and Clovis has surged.
Monday, June 26, 2006
The Grupe Co.'s proposed 3,000-home development west of Riverbank isn't dead, "but it may be wounded," according to City Manager Rich Holmer.
Mortgage companies, which added scores of workers during the recent real estate boom, are now shrinking in the wake of rising interest rates and slowing home sales.
Friday, June 16, 2006
Metro: Dairy pollution rule passes; lawyer calls it an 'empty gesture'
The San Joaquin Valley's air district Thursday passed the most sweeping dairy air pollution rule in the country to clean up smog-making gas from 2.6 million cows.
Metro: Fresnans worry about living near train tracks
Wednesday's freight-train collision near Madera turned nagging anxiety into fear for several Fresnans who live near railroad tracks.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
The Fresno/Clovis area, with nearly 5,000 housing starts, was among the state's leading growth regions in 2005, according to figures from a trade association.
Friday, June 02, 2006
Q I recently changed jobs and would like to roll over my 401(k) (approximately $100,000) into a traditional IRA. How can I then use the funds as a down payment on an apartment building and hold that building as an asset in my IRA? I am 50 years old. I have heard this can be done.
Network of independent residential real estate firms will work with leading blog technology firm to generate sales and community recognition
WASHINGTON — Could the real estate action be shifting to the heartland — the vast swath of middle America that never really was touched by the hyperinflationary housing boom?
Leo Wilson calls the six models at his newest subdivision, Camden Place, "idea" houses.
Fresno's high-profile plans, from downtown development to Chinatown's revitalization, share this in common: The District 3 City Council member will play a significant role in the rebuilding efforts.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Fresno Buyers Making Lower Offers in 2006!
Realty Websites Reduce Visitors to Open Houses!
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Farmland in the central San Joaquin Valley is in strong demand, often by buyers who have little interest in the crops.
Monday, May 01, 2006
Buying into a homeowners association can be a daunting experience, but it will be easier if you do your homework. Here are some of the many things you should check out:
Would-be first-time home buyer George Salas likes to work on cars and wants more children, so a condominium would not fit his lifestyle.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
It's the No. 1 complaint that realty agents make about the home mortgage lending process. And it bugs their home buyer clients as well: the failure of settlement or escrow officials to provide a copy of the final settlement sheet in advance of closing.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Be careful when using allowances in a home-building contract
The allowance you got when you were a kid is nothing like an allowance in a construction contract.
City cracks down on signs
Thumbs up to the city of Visalia for finally deciding to do something about all the illegally placed signs around town.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Monday, April 10, 2006
Seller's absent boyfriend still on property title DEAR BOB: I am a real estate broker with an opportunity to obtain a listing on a beautiful house.
Foung Vang fans a sheaf of papers with pictures of his vision — a new market in the heart of Fresno where shoppers can buy live chickens and, upon request, have them killed and dressed to order.
After several rain-free days, residents of low-lying mobile home parks along the San Joaquin River near Highway 41 cast wary eyes on the sky Sunday.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
An article in the Los Angeles Times yesterday documented the sad story of a defaulted homeowner who became a victim of alleged foreclosure fraud. The homeowner said he was tricked into signing over the title of his home by a scam artist who did nothing to stop the foreclosure and then took out another loan against the property with no intention of paying it off. The article goes on to make the case that this type of foreclosure fraud is increasing along with rising foreclosures....(read more)
Sunday, April 02, 2006
For out-of-town investors, the Fresno commercial real estate market is hot.
Monday, March 27, 2006
Insurers pushed to note credit information
Do you want to know when errors or omissions in your credit files raise your monthly mortgage payments by hundreds of dollars? Of course you do. But under current mortgage industry practices, you may not get even a hint of payment boosters that may be lurking when you apply for a low-down-payment loan that requires mortgage insurance. That's because mortgage insurers generally have not issued what are known as ``adverse action'' notices when they double or triple monthly premium charges because of...
Thursday, March 23, 2006
City Condo Sales Outpace Suburban Homes
City Condo Sales Outpace Suburban Homes -- A two-bedroom condo in the city is pushing aside the four-bedroom colonial in the suburbs as the traditional American dream home.
Listen Closely, The Housing Bubble Might Not Be Leaking
Americans have been straining to hear the sound of the housing bubble bursting for many months, and according to the media on Monday, they might not have heard a pop but there was definitely a ssssst.
Read More NowWednesday, March 22, 2006
State Releases School Academic Rankings
School rankings were released Tuesday for 8,700 public schools in California, and overall they are meeting the target score.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
JPI Companies studied housing needs at universities across the nation and determined California State University, Fresno, was facing a shortage.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
A California state agency that provides special loan programs for first-time home buyers this week announced it will offer a new 40-year mortgage with an interest rate lower than those most lenders offer.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
The spring real estate season is about to get under way, and anybody who expects to take part -- as a seller or a buyer -- needs to start putting together a strategy, an action plan.
Monday, March 13, 2006
Guarantee Real Estate Opens New Office in Fresno!

We finally opened the new Guarantee Real Estate office where I will be working out of at 7088 N. Maple in Fresno and all I can say is WOW! This is soooo nice! With everything new inside, including a state of the art computer network with T1 internet service, keeps everything running fast and smooth. Our office consists of approx 75 Realtors, some staff employees and the home office of Guarantee Home Loans with several loan officers. Guarante Real Estate is the proven market leader in the Fresno real estate market with marketing that includes a large advertising budget that includes full page Fresno Bee newspaper ads, top ranking website Guarantee.com, Guarantee Previews TV show on ABC channel 30 sunday mornings, Guarantee Previews magazine, Showcase of Homes magazine. Our clients are the ones who benefit the most. If you are thinking of selling or buying in the Fresno area visit my personal website at FresnoHomes.net and contact me for the professional service you deserve!
Sunday, March 12, 2006
The five-year housing boom is indeed over, judging from growing statistical evidence and the performance of some of the nation's leading builders, and the slowdown is already rippling through the economy.
Friday, March 10, 2006
Recent reports of the looming housing bubble could be exaggerated.
Americans have been straining to hear the sound of the housing bubble bursting for many months, and according to the media on Monday, they might not have heard a pop but there was definitely a ssssst.
A number of news reports flatly stated that the bubble had burst and the general and conventional wisdom seemed to be that the unprecedented growth in real estate sales and prices are over. This is all based on the release of the Commerce Department'... Read More Now
The year-end same house sales report from the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight sees continued record home price growth.
Last week was a big week for news about the housing bubble and the quarterly House Price Index (HPI) report of the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) released on March 1 was a good deal more optimistic about price growth than were the Census Bureau and Department of Housing and Urban Development joint report on new home sales and the National ... Read More Now
Sunday, March 05, 2006
A wave of innovation in online real estate is making it easier for home buyers and sellers to do their own research, and potentially save money.
Friday, February 24, 2006
Fresno's newest skyline and a possible financial district is taking shape near Woodward Park.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
In many ways the house for sale on Misty Morning Circle near Mather Airport is a typical Sacramento home: Three-bedroom, two-and-a-half bath, 1,450 square feet with a backyard. Asking price: $355,000 - just above the countywide median of $352,500 in January. Today, first-time buyers trying to stretch financially to purchase that house with a 40-year mortgage - instead of the standard 30-year loan ...
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Central Valley real estate will continue to be a good investment at least for this year, although appreciation rates will likely decline from record levels of previous years, analysts said this week.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Cha-ching! More homeowners cashing out their refis
Eighty percent of Freddie Mac loans that were refinanced in the fourth quarter of 2005 resulted in new mortgages with loan amounts that were at least 5 percent higher than the original mortgage balances, the mortgage giant said in a report today.
"We see from the cash-out analysis that the overwhelming majority of these borrowers were extracting home equity rather than trying to reduce their monthly payments," said Frank Nothaft, Freddie Mac chief economist. The company estimates that home equity extraction from refinancing prime mortgages will total about $243 billion for 2005, then fall sharply to about $117 billion in 2006 as home price growth and refinance activity slows.We must be in the debt generation for sure. Isn't the point to lower your monthly costs and pay down the mortgage? Will there be any fallout down the road from this?
Home experts encourage sellers to have their homes ‘pre-inspected' to make them more appealing in a slowing market
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Sellers must list everything from how to access sex offenders' identification line to if a pet has left a stain or odor in house
Monday, February 13, 2006
Some home builders, trying to keep home prices down and responding to a possibly slower and highly competitive market in 2006, are planning to unveil new, more affordable designs.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Rising construction costs are expected to hammer the housing industry again in 2006. With interest rates inching up, home builders are also expecting a slight decline in sales this year.
Friday, February 10, 2006
If the air is leaving the housing bubble, The National Association of Realtors still sees it leaving home sales at sustainable levels.
The National Association of Realtors, in a statement released on Tuesday, said that housing sales and prices in 2006 will remain strong but will not achieve the record levels of 2005.
Sales of existing homes are expect to drop to 6.74 million this year, a decline of 4.7 percent from the record high 7.07 million in 2005. New home sales will be down 8.5 percent to 1.17 million, setting yet another 2005 record of 1.28 million. While sales will decline, it is still expecte... Read More Now
The line has been drawn in the land over where school districts can claim their boundaries.
Monday, February 06, 2006
A well known Valley realtor is in critical condition after being beaten at an open house, and police may be narrowing down their search for suspects.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
New Office & New Beginnings at Guarantee Real Estate!

This is the new building we will be moving into sometime in March. The finishing touches and improvements are being made to the building. The address is 7088 N. Maple, which is north of Herndon and on the east side of the street. This building will be the home of the Guarantee Real Estate office that is currently at First & Nees. This will be the new home to the 70+ real estate agents. On the east side of the building will be the offices of Guarantee Home Loans, and across the parking lot is a satellite office of First American Title. I can't wait!!!!!!!
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Tom Avent Makes Office Move To Guarantee Real Estate

Thursday, January 26, 2006
Q I am very familiar with IRS rules providing for a tax-free profit of up to $500,000 for couples selling their primary residence -- I do plan on taking advantage of this.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Nearly three decades ago, hardwood floors were absolutely the rage. They were the first home features highlighted by real estate agents and the most popular standard item builders would include in mid-level construction packages.
More agents are participating in the weekly marketing meetings of the Fresno Association of Realtors. With 3,100 houses competing for buyers in a slowing market, real estate agents are stepping up sales efforts.
Friday, January 20, 2006
Parents gathered at Alta Sierra Intermediate School on Thursday with concerns about Clovis Unified School District's plan to redraw high school boundary lines as it prepares to open a new education complex in the northwest portion of the district in 2007.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Weekly Mortgage Survey - Week Ending January 6, 2006
Mortgage interest rates, at least as reported by Freddie Mac in its Weekly Primary Mortgage Survey, were virtually unchanged in the first week of the New Year. While three of the four loan types tracked by the survey were down from the final week of 2005, not one of the four budged more than a single basis point. Hardly worth the ink it takes to talk about them.
The 30-year fixed rate mortgage was down from 6.22 to 6.21 percent with fees and points... Read More Now
It's a one-of-a-kind neighborhood right in the middle of a growing part of Fresno.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
It's safety issue that could ultimately save someone from a potentially deadly fire. Tuesday, the city of Fresno adopted an ordinance requiring one fire sprinkler in the kitchens of all new homes.
Local air authorities cited 141 people who burned wood illegally in their fireplaces during December — a barrage amounting to three times more violations in one month than in the entire previous year.
Friday, January 06, 2006
Forecast predicts 2006 will still be hot for builders The San Joaquin Valley will see a 10 percent drop in housing starts this year, but it will still be a strong year because 2004 and '05 were booming ...
Many California homeowners who saw their homes ravaged by flood waters from this week's storms are finding out their insurance may not cover these damages.